It's giving more DIY wallpaper than a business plan.

Each note is likely a dream, an idea, or maybe the start of your next big thing. But instead of feeling inspired, you feel stuck. Overwhelmed by the clutter of your own thoughts, you soooo need a way to cut through the shit and make sense of it all.

You're craving a real conversation, someone who gets it, to help transform this chaos into a clear path forward. You're here because you're ready to move from dreaming to doing, and you just need a partner who can support you through your next steps.

let me guess...

that collection of post-it notes is stacking.

it's a little loud in here.

A little hallway gossiper told me this might be you:

We'll navigate through your ideas, pinpointing what sticks, and lay down the next steps for your journey. Whether it’s refining your launch plan, overcoming self-doubt, or brainstorming your next big idea, you’ll leave our session with a clear direction and renewed motivation.

clarity + refinement in 60.

1 hour's got lots
of possibilities:

1:1 coaching

Welcome to The Huddle Up — where your brain dump transforms into actionable steps. It’s not just about getting things off your chest; it’s about defining your path forward, clarity-seeking, and making your next big leap — all within 60 minutes.





My Specialties

(click to expand and learn more!)

+ Brand Mission Actualization
+ Customer Acquisition
+ Digital Marketing
+ Traditional Marketing
+ Experiential (Events, Product, Design, Marketing)


+ Team Management
+ Agency Management
+ Strategic Advising


+ Community Building
+ Emotional Intelligence
+ Effective Communication


+ Content Development
+ Event Programming
+ Marketing Acquisition
+ Storytelling


+ Community Activations
+ Brand Marketing
+ Strategic Partnerships


+ Growth Mindset
+ Collaborative Influence
+ Evolutionary Thinking
+ Results-Driven Approach

This is my sweet spot, this is where I excel. I can take damn near any idea and not just make it possible, but make it possible, fast. 

I can’t wait to jump into your idea.

I’m been in marketing and experiential for 15+ years. Ya girl's career journey has been lengthy. I’d like to think I’ve been an early adopter of these internet spaces we call home and it reflects in my career. Working mostly in start-ups and then a transition into BIG BIZ BID-NASS, the shit I’ve learned, collected, dismissed is giving 1996 phone book energy. Like, why so thick? 

And what I love most about my experience is I’m able to fully see YOU and what you’re creating. When I left my traditional career behind, I built a company that supported ‘preneurs (JIG+SAW, ellooo!) and we launched over 150 companies in that babyyyy. And now, my second business has landed (hi, 👋🏼that's why you're here) that's a more evolved version of my first, just without the astronomical Los Angeles commercial rent price and far more freedom to do and create and build.

Excited to
meet you.

oh hey, i'm christina!













I have been a speaker at 3 events before I decided to start a podcast!


Jermey and I have traveled to all the continents and the island still holds our hearts.


Our pup Murphy is liiiiiife! He may even make an appearance on the pod!


It's all in the  Details

legacy clients

hype for working with cee

" I find Christina to be very warm, engaging and knowledgeable. I feel like I learn a lot whenever Christina speaks.

"I found useful the strategy of imagining my existing business as something else in order to spark new and fresh perspectives.

 I also found helpful the notion that transparency of process (in the realm of business) produces trust.

"Good energy! And sense of humor. Also I knew that she really knew her stuff.

frequently asked

have a q?

Bring your ideas, your concerns, and an open mind. The more you share, the more we can achieve together.

You’ll walk away with actionable steps and insights. Plus, you'll have options for continued support if you choose.

Absolutely. Whether you're in year one or year ten, The Huddle Up is about finding your footing and making your next move with confidence.

While tailored for the entrepreneurial spirit, The Huddle Up is for anyone ready to take action on their ideas and dreams.

Because this is a digital experience, we do not provide refunds. If you have more questions about this, check out our terms & conditions on the checkout page.

In one hour, we'll dive deep into uncovering what's really keeping you up at night. By really getting into what's weighing heaviest on your brain and drawing on my strategy brain to find solutions, we'll make sure every moment counts.

Plus, think of The Huddle Up as just the beginning of our journey together. If we stumble upon more areas that need attention or you need extra help down the road, I've got your back with ongoing support that's all about you.

"I'm afraid that one hour won't be enough to address all of my business challenges."

It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed by the volume of ideas stacked in your brain. However, The Huddle Up thrives on transforming chaos into clarity.

During our session, we'll work together to unpack your mind of concepts and identify what we need to dive into. My goal isn't to stack more to overwhelm but rather, to channel it into a clear plan of action that drives you forward.

"I'm worried that my ideas are too scattered for The Huddle Up to be effective."

wondering if this is right for you?

for you

not for you

You're overflowing with ideas but struggling to find a starting point.

You're in the thick of a project and need a fresh, strategic perspective to push through.

You're juggling a side hustle and a full-time gig and looking for the sweet spot.

You're battling self-doubt and need a confidence boost to take the next step.

You are working on a project that requires more strategy and therefore more energy + time (more than our hour) to commit to an outcome.

You're looking for comprehensive, long-term consulting rather than focused, strategic sessions. That's possible too! Just not in The Huddle Up.

You don't know what you want to talk about, you kinda just want to chit-chat. While I love a good hang, it's not a good use of your time + money.

NET-NET: As you navigate what is a good next step, consider what you've been wanting to explore but haven't been in the right group / right space / right energy to hot potato your big ideas. This just might be IT. 

'cuz after our time together, you'll have . . .


Move confidently from planning to execution. You'll be supported by a clear vision and a concrete plan that aligns with your vision, paving the way for progress, not perfection.

Confident Execution

Tap into over 15 years of marketing and business knowledge, gaining access to proven strategies and expert advice.


Take the chaos of your brainstorm into a clear, actionable roadmap that guides you towards your goals.


The HUDDLE UP gives you the space to go beyond the noodling – 

Let's create something truly meaningful.  

it’s clarity-seeking, purpose-finding, next-step-defining. It’s action, in 60 minutes.