This is HDDL — mindset + business support for creatives and 'preneurs and I'm Cee. It's great to meet you.

hi, i'm cee.

Mindset Shifts

Mindset Reframes For Taking The Risk

Do these sound familiar?

“I can’t quit my job bc IDK if this will work out.” “I can’t launch this idea bc I don’t have what I need.” “I can’t show up online bc I don’t have a valuable-enough POV.” “I’m too afraid to start bc I’m afraid I’ll be seen as a fraud.”

I know these feelings all too well — despite having started early in my adult life and all of these are real, truthful situations.

The reality that risk + fear can be coupled as a result on behalf of your ideas is a shit ton of fuckery.

Let’s reframe:

“6 months from now, I can quit my job because I’ll be prepared. I’ll have created a countdown clock-out timeline that will support my dream of doing _____________ and ensure that I’ve thought through — financial support, a runway to launch it, tag team my resource pool to support me in making this happen and I’ll have backup plans B,C,D to keep momentum.”

“In order to launch my idea, I decided to make it more obtainable by dialing it back. Making the idea more obtainable means that all I need is about __ hours of work to bring it to life, a pal to help me + to tap into the community I think cares about what I’m offering. In the meantime, I’ll be learning and growing and pivoting as I launch.”

”I found that being myself online has created my own version of a POV — it’s mine and people are drawn to it. I’ve been sharing more stories, relatable antedotes and creating more dialogue around the things I know. I realized I didn’t need to be perfect to show up but rather continuing to show up and voice my evolving POV has allowed me to become an authority.”

“I’ve decided to release what others might say about me. It can happen, but the reality is, I don’t want to hold back who I am in order to save face and keep people off my back. I’m smart, I’m always learning + growing and the things I know, I know them well. To be seen matters to who I can impact and that matters more than projected judgements.”


Risk is not a negative. Not doing can have the same effect as “failing.” Not everything is possible but so much is. Try, test, learn. Be seen. Be valued. Be heard. Be confident.

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